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Time For An Upgrade

Innovation in different fields has made many things more affordable and accessible. Software can easily be upgraded with the next online version. Nearly anything can be ordered online. Alternatively, some upgrades require surgery to achieve a transformation from a cochlear to hip replacements and intra-ocular eye implants.

However, there are also internal aspects which we can improve upon and challenge ourselves to becoming better versions. This can be achieved via upskilling or training that you can tweak and tune independently or through coaching and mentoring. Some might call it morbid, but I find an approach that provides greater perspective and motivates ourselves to be better is to consider our mortality and how we would like to be remembered. Having a legacy that involves being remembered as inspiring, a great leader/parent/partner or vivacious is something that many people aspire to achieve.

So, I love the phase ‘time for an upgrade’ when it relates to our brand. As time marches on, it would be great to consistently upgrade ourselves and our teams through training, personal development and by learning from our mistakes to constantly ‘grow’ our brand. It is then important to showcase the different facets of your brand as you grow, using your marketing to communicate it! After all, it is about building and nurturing relationships. As your customers and the industry evolve, you too are evolving!

Striving to be a better version of ourselves is our own responsibility. Let’s be trailblazers and leave a lasting legacy.

Interested in more quirky shifts to your brand and marketing? Get a copy of my book – ‘Unleash the VOICE in your Brand’.

Photo by Daniel Cheung on Unsplashed.

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