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When you encounter a pleasant looking stranger, who give you a genuine smile, what is your reaction? You are more likely to smile back!

What happens if you channel a smile in your voice over the phone? The receiving party can sense it and more likely to drop their guard. So, if the frontline staff, especially in support/service centres can be more equipped to come across genuinely interested, concern and kick start with a caring smile, there might be stronger possibilities of less distressed and speeder resolutions.

So how about packing a smile or two when you cut your social videos and compose your written post? We might be able to crack a smile on the viewer or reader.

How does it relate to Brand & Marketing?  As a business, you might consider incorporating the ‘smile’ factor as part of your business-brand values. This will certainly dictate the tone of voice, brand guidelines and marketing activities, channelling the uplifting engagement with your business communities, neighbourhood, internal meetings, external stakeholders, clients and prospects, even the complaint department!

You are progressing your brand standing to be top of mind. Good for brand, good for your business. So then, what is there not to smile about? Sing it like Nat King Cole.

Written by May Chang

Part of ‘A Quirky Brand & Marketing Perspective’

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