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Let’s KISS!

You may have wondered how simple things used to be in the good ole days when even words like text/kiss means exactly that. Even the birds and bees don’t get confuse.

Nowadays our feature-rich gadgets come with many instructions. Online training manuals certainly have more pages, to cover every scenario. Calls to the Support Entre, the menu is so extensive that you end up replaying it several times.

In time, some BHAGs or adventures seem too overwhelming. There are certainly more dreamers than executions. So let’s apply the KISS (Keep It Simple, Silly) mindset.

If we are to conquer Mt Everest, look up to envisage the snow-covered peaks glistening in the shimmering sun, and let the heights beckon you onwards. Then look down and focus on your first step, then the next. In time, when you look back, you can see how far you have progressed.

How does it relate to Brand and marketing?  Even in developing your plan, details of your plan may not be all set-in concrete, like identifying your ideal customers / channels or fee structure and so on. But you have the framework and with some initial information, you can start your first step, do some testing and trialling, review and refine. In time, you are advancing your brand standing forward.

Good for your brand, good for your business – So, let’s KISS.

Written by May Chang

Part of ‘A Quirky Brand & Marketing Perspective’

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