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Stop Taking Yourself For Granted

Stop Taking Yourself For Granted –  Do you ever think about what having freedom or free will means? Are you making good use of the liberties you have? Have you been making the most of the skills and opportunities that you have or have you been taking YOURSELF for granted?

Imagine that you are in a situation where neither freedom nor free will exist or rather they are taken from  you. As is often the case, we fail to appreciate what we have until after they have passed or been lost. So how about we seize today’s precious opportunities whilst we can!

How does it relate to your brand and marketing?

In our brand marketing and content marketing, when we have the liberty to be creative and hit great punchlines, let’s use everything at our disposal to keep our brand identity and brand reputation at top of mind for our sphere of engagement. 

Let’s start with the following:

  • Who are you talking to?
  • What are their key go-to-market channels?
  • What do they most need to hear from you?
  • What would you like them to do once they hear from you?

Once you have answered these questions then you can line up your ducks in a straight line and let  your marketing communications perform at their best aiming for the bull-eye to your ideal client, with succinct messages and the unmistakable key call-to-action. Remember in the free world there are so many tools and messages that we have at our disposal. Just imagine the alternative when your hands are tied.

Interested in quirky shifts to your brand and marketing, grab a copy of my book – ‘Unleash the VOICE in your Brand’

Photo Credit – Unknown on Pixabay

This Post Has 2 Comments

    1. agility marketing

      Thank you very much!

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