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Hold On To Time?

CAN WE HOLD ON TO TIME? – Take time and hold on to it, hmm, are you crazy?

One thing we cannot control is time – it marches on. We move forward in time by the second, we age by the minute and hopefully we perpetually grow to be wiser.

But can we consider just holding on to time – at least metaphorically? In a world of instant gratification, we are conditioned to expect results almost immediately – even our online shopping. We press the order button close to midnight and by next day, before our sleepy eyes, our parcel awaits!

Maybe WE CAN hold on to time metaphorically. Hold out and play the patience game, perhaps:

  • Hold our tongue and listen to all sides of the argument before pitching in
  • Hold our nerves when there’s a reward on the line similar to investing on the stock exchange
  • Hold on and develop a more robust solution that can scale so you don’t have to revisit the same problem because you were too quick to apply a band-aid solution

So, it can be a matter of ‘hold, hold and hold’.

How does this relate to ‘our’ brand and marketing?

  • Listen tentatively, analyse your responses, and look for trends
  • Assign realistic expectations and time frames to marketing campaigns (results don’t happen overnight!)
  • Remember that establishing trust to generate a qualified lead pipeline takes time – it can take 6-10 engagement points, to a few weeks and sometimes even years

Meanwhile prepare the groundwork and plant that seed, give it time to grow. HOLD your ground, hold your nerve and believe in your conviction. In time you will see results!

Interested in quirky shifts to your brand and marketing, grab a copy of my book – ‘Unleash the VOICE in your Brand’

Photo Credit – Rachael Crowe on Unsplash

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