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Decide To Go Full Throttle!

DECIDE TO GO FULL THROTTLE! – Have you ever felt like you are limping through the day or worst still through life? Often, we get so caught up with the nitty, gritty of our daily schedule or obsessed with forward planning that only do a half-baked job on our present activities.

Instead, either give it your all or save it for another day. Why? Because by doing something “half-assed”, you are:

  • Wasting your time
  • Producing half-baked results
  • Showing a lack of passion / purpose / drive
  • Short-changing yourself, your business and everyone around 

So, when possible, choose to partake with a vengeance because you will experience then the full impact of your efforts. BUT, don’t forget to take out time to rest and recover so that you can put in your full effort when it matters.

I love how it relates to ‘our’ brand and marketing. There are still businesses who con themselves by half-heartedly executing their brand and marketing strategies. This is not to say they don’t take them seriously. But sometimes, they are just lacking direction and concentration.

For example, consider a business’ social media. Whilst some small businesses claim to have an active social media campaign, it is often evident that there a lack of consistent posting, scheduling with content themes, or monitoring and analysing. This is understandable when there is a lot going on in the world of small business especially when there is limited capacity. No wonder we often see lackluster results when we first start.

We know on average it takes 6- 10 touchpoints as you lead a prospect through the Sales Process of Meet > Know > Like > Trust before they are ready to buy. So, any project or activity that is planned through and executed thoroughly will get results. Take some time to prepare and recharge. Then, let’s rev up that engine and go full throttle – in business and in life!

Interested in more ideas on ways to extend your brand and marketing, read them in my book ‘Unleash the Voice in Your Brand’, or contact us here.

Photo credit to John Cameron on Unsplash

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