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Be Comfortable in Your Own Skin

Are you comfortable in your own skin? Over the course of our lives, we have all been compared to our peers and perhaps felt that we are not good enough, don’t match up, or even don’t belong! In the past, I had often wondered when I was at social events, why I tended to hang back whilst my peers plunged head in. Why did I not enjoy drawing attention until I worked out the lay of the land?

In hindsight, I now understand the power of observation. Contrary to popular belief, it can be tactical to initially sit back and work out who the talkers are. Who likes to impress but perhaps lacks substance? Who starts out more reserved but once out of their shell, their sexy brains come to play. In the end each of us are wired differently and should therefore appreciate our individual styles and be comfortable in our own skin.

I love how this concept can relate to our brand and marketing. In this sense, the more we we accept our quirks , the more likely it is that can free ourselves to reach our true potential. Being accepting of ourselves allows us to bring our unique personality into our brand and marketing as well into our approach to challenges and problem solving.

Once you are comfortable in your own skin you can add your unique spice to business and life!

Interested in quirky shifts to your brand and marketing, grab a copy of my book – ‘Unleash the VOICE in your Brand

Photo by brachostudio on Shutterstock

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