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Giving For No Reason – Why Not?

Many of us are familiar with the phrases ‘You scratch my back, I scratch yours’, or ‘In life, nothing is free.’ In business, we work on the principle of ‘Return on Investment’, whilst in the Non-Profit sector, it’s about the ‘Social Return on Investment’. Everything we do, we are programmed to expect a  response in kind – a reward, a good feel factor, or in business it is about achieving your business goals or KPIs.

But what if we did things with no foreseeable self-benefit?

This is already at the heart of the spirit of a lot of volunteers. One well-known movement of late that embodies this spirit is ‘Pay It Forward.’

In the end, it doesn’t matter what model you adopt. When you have the financial means, the specialist skills, or a bit of time, unleash this wonderful power to be good to others for no reason. Consider how a small act of kindness can be a life-changing experience for the benefactor. Who knows, this person might be the next leader that changes the world for others. It  can all start with one kind or small act!

So, give for no reason – Why Not?

Or if you need one, it is because most of us can!

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