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Who Brings Out The Best In You?

Who Brings Out The Best In You? – When you are at business functions, have you come across occasions where you become extra alert and more interesting in the company of certain people? Somehow you feel that you are at your
best and you do not wish the time to end.

There is a feeling of absolute confidence that even your thinking is clearer and sharper! You certainly come across more positive and energised. You may even be the one to have that effect on other people, bringing out the best in them. Notice who and the type of person that does that! I call it ‘business chemistry’.

Make an effort to nurture relationships with these type of people who hopefully share the character values you respect and invest in them because they are like gold. They are a precious commodity because they see the value and potential in you and have a way of drawing it out. There is this ‘chemistry’ that when you are together, everything seems to magically plays out.

Being around people who bring out the ‘better’ in you is also greatly beneficial for your ‘brand’:
 Your brand identity shines brighter
 We perform better
 We think clearer
 We develop faster
 We become inspired
 It is more fun

It thus makes sense that we surround ourselves in their company and utilise this ‘business chemistry’. They can be your potential mentor/coach/consultant and maybe even a lifelong friend. If you are the one that is helping the other person reach greater heights, kudos. Either way, both are winners, and this can only enhance your brand standing in business (& life). So, who brings out the best in you?!

Interested in quirky shifts to your brand and marketing, grab a copy of my book – ‘Unleash the VOICE in your Brand’

Photo credit – Stefan Moertl on Unsplash

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