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Are you a cheerleader?

Are You A Cheerleader? – You Betcha!

Are You A Cheerleader? – You Betcha! I love cheerleaders. They have so much enthusiasm and energy coupled with some crazy moves! Fancy being one? 

Good news, you already are! You have probably been taking it in your stride, cheering our ankle biters, our families, our colleagues to maybe even our bosses. 

However, I want to push the envelope and ask – do you cheer mainly at the finish line when you can see the outcome? Or are you cheering from the sideline and celebrating the effort, recognising the tenacity, the resilience or maybe the first hesitant step of a long journey? Thomas Edison took 10,000 tries before he succeeded with his light bulb. I wonder who was in his cheer squad?

Let’s connect how this is related to your brand and marketing? Take the example of social media. As a cheerleader, you can do both – cheer an achievement and cheer throughout the journey. This can be done is several ways:

  • Liking articles/posts/videos to show creators which of their content resonates
  • Commenting to provide feedback and interact with content creators directly
  • Re-sharing content across your own network. This is the loudest form of cheering!

You can flip it from a raving fan’s point of view to that of a content contributor. In this case, from a brand perspective,

Developing and posting content consistently helps to showcase your expertise in a subject matter and to establish contact with your like-minded tribe(s). Consumers buy from people that they meet, like, know and eventually trust. So, engaging with them can only be good for your brand and marketing in business (& life). 

Cheering is essential to the fabric of business connections and community building as we find like minded tribes and support groups. Let’s keep CHEERING!!!

Interested in quirky shifts to your brand and marketing, grab a copy of my book – ‘Unleash the VOICE in your Brand’

Photo Credit – RODNAE Productions on Pexels

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